
Thursday, 31 May 2012

Mental health & diet?

Coming round to exam time many of my peers complain about being under pressure to do well and as a result they are usually stressed and unhappy.

Being stressed isn't good for your mental health and can often lead to comfort eating or not eating at all which in turn is not good for your physical health.

My top tip would be to make sure you have a source of Omega-3 in your diet to aid brain development and cognitive function. It can be obtained from oily fish or a supplement.

By fuelling your body with healthy nutritious foods, you will feel good emotionally and physically.
However, by fuelling your body with unhealthy foods regularly this could amplify the effects of stress, resulting in poor mental health, which could effect exam performance!

Monday, 23 April 2012

Old bra's could prevent violence against women?

You always see charities collecting odd item nowadays, such a batteries, ink cartilages, mobile phones and even bottle caps! They are a fundraiser as in return for mass amounts, charities are given money from another company.

However, today I received an email informing me that by collecting old bra's for charity, they actually get sent out to women in third world countries, I was confused as I thought they would have wanted all types of clothes and not just bra's.

I went on to find that by a women wearing a bra she is less likely to be raped, as wearing a bra represent that she comes from a wealthy background, and also bra's are seen to have prestige.

The excellent charity that is Pretty n Pink, the only Northern Irish breast cancer charity that isn't connected to mainland UK is running this collection project.
Girlguiding Ulster will be doing a collection and for every kilo of bra's they receive they will donate £1 to Pretty n Pink :D

I think this is an excellent idea and my personal goal will be to collect at least 50 bra's from my friends and family! The more bra's collected the more it decreases the chance of a women being raped!!

Bra's can be old, woren, broken (recycled), new and nearly new!
pretty n pink breast cancer charity Girlguiding Ulster

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Easter break :)

Easter break from school was well and truly appreciated to say the least.
I love hearing about people who are giving up their time to a worthwhile cause, for example, this week I gave a small donation to Kevin who on the 20th August 2012, will be part of a team climbing the fabled Atlas Mountains in Morocco in aid of Childreach International to help keep kids off the street, keeping them fed and watered and giving them an education. I think its truly amazing! View more at:

I also applied to be a Youth Participant at the 3rd Women Deliever conference in Malaysia in May 2013. I feel like this would be a fantastic opportunity to learn more and offer my contribution. Its very unlikely I will get chosen but I hope someone from WAGGGS gets a chance :)

My boyfriend and I have recently returned from an overnight stay in Londonderry in the Tower Hotel, the only hotel within Derry's City Wall's! We did the Martin McCrossan City Walls tour which enriched my knowledge (of what was very little) about the City of Derry, which is the 2013 UK City of Culture. We would both highly recommend taking a visit to a city so known for its troubles but more recently being remembered as a city of change! :)

I like to think of myself as someone who is very aware of their surroundings. I take into consideration someones body language, their tone of voice and their general being, then usually be able to tell the emotion that person is feeling. However, today I will have to admit that I mustn't be able to 'read' people as well as I thought. It never really occurred to me that someone can permanently be hidden behind a mask, too afraid and restrained by disability to show their true colours. When I read a blog entry from one of my fellow students I felt like I had been so oblivious to the situation. The blog entry can be read at

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Stop The Violence

Back in February I attended the 56th Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations HQ in New York as a delegate for the World Association of Girlguides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) representing Girlguiding UK (GUK).
Myself at the CSW sign at the UN.
One of our many roles as being a WAGGGS delegate was to promote the Stop The Violence campaign.

I didn't realise the problem was so severe:
  • Globally, up to 6 out of every 10 women experience physical and/or sexual violence in their lifetime.
  • 60 million girls are sexually assaulted at or on their way to school each year.
  • 60 million girls worldwide are child brides.
  • Violence against girls puts them at higher risk of contracting HIV.
Reading those statistic's for the first time made me feel sick, and they still do. I really glad that WAGGGS has a campaign in place and hopes to launch a non-formal education programme that can be used to raise awareness and combat the issue.
Currently WAGGGS are trying to encouraging everyone to add their voice to their Stop The Violence campaign, I already have :)

This is my WAGGGS collection I made earlier this morning. It includes information about the campaign, wristbands, and the WAGGGS scarf. Also an article about Lynne Featherstone.

Lynne Featherstone, who I met back in November 2011 at the launch at the Girls Attitudes Survey results. Lynne Featherstone is the Equalities Minister for UK attended the CSW too. I met her again at the British Ambassador reception in New York, she told me that she recognised me (I was in my Guiding uniform) - but that was a wonderful moment.
Lynne, recognises the Stop The Violence campaign along with UN Women :)

WAGGGS Stop The Violence Video -
WAGGGS International Womens Day Video -
The Girl Effect: The clock is ticking -

Do something powerful today and add your voice to the Stop the Violence campaign!

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Gender Equality..Crisps?

I know McCoys aren't the healthiest crisps BUT surely not only men can eat them?

But on the back in capital letters it states:

Surely crisps can be consumed by anyone?
Their target market might be men, but is the packet discriminating against women? Are McCoy's trying to suggest that ONLY men should be allowed to consume such a prestigious packet of crisps?

An explanation as to why McCoy's feel the need to have this on their packaging would be welcomed. I'll let you know if I ever do find one.


Very pleased that Girlguiding Ulster now has a rep for Girlguiding UK on the British Youth Council (BYC).
Even better as I actually know the rep, Faith Viney who was part of the SOAR 2011 Canada International Group from Ulster.

Rachael Ferguson, Myself, Faith and Stacey

I know she will do Ulster proud :) Good Luck Faith! :D

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Poor self-esteem

Read an interesting article from The Independent today.

It's sad to hear so many women with the potential to succeed in life are threaten by the pressure to 'look good'.
This makes me very thank-you for the existence of Girlguides, they offer not only a girl-only space they also carry out research into the pressures that girls face in their annual Girls Attitudes Surveys

I think its important to nip these self-esteem issue's in the bud before they develop into more serious mental health problems such as anorexia.
It may just be a PR exercise but Dove are launching a self-esteem programme in the UK. I'm not too sure what this will entail but I'm glad to see companies making an effort to tackle this problem.

Lorne walk

Yesterday I did the annual Lorne walk with the Brownies. The theme this year was the Queens Diamond Jubilee.

This is the badge for completing the walk

My granny Bell passed away in the early hours of this morning, she was a fellow Guider and a real inspiration to me. I will do her proud by working hard at school and seizing every opportunity that comes my way.

Thursday, 29 March 2012


This morning, one of the Advocate! members posted a link to an article wrote by Lucy Mangan for Stylist magazine. It was quite similar to the article slating Girlguides from the Daily Mail.
It mentioned our now 'girly' approach to Guiding, and like anticipated, it got a lot of attention. Girlguide leaders HATE reading articles like that, as an organisation they provide SO much more and I wish the article had of been about praising the Girlguides.
My wish was granted :)
I tweeted Stylist magazine saying 'Lucy Mangan's article on Girlguides is a more boring version of the Daily Mail's article' and 'Shouldn't you be praising the amazing young women that have benefited from Girlguides?'

Stylist magazine tweeted me back saying: ' We were Girl Guides ourselves! And loved it. And we celebrated Agnes Baden-Powell for her work last year:' and 'That is a great idea - perhaps we could ask our followers to tweet how the Guides helped/inspired them?'

This is exactly what happened! Using the hash tag - #beingaguide. Lots of Guides contributed to this twitter thread, Stylist magazine actually posted a new article..'  - SUCCESS! :D

The old article is still existent but not on the front page of their website:

Girlguiding UK and WAGGGS encouraged their members to contribute to the twitter trend via Facebook and Twitter - so glad I spoke up & tweeted them! :)

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

#1 - Daily entry

Another sunny day in Northern Ireland, such a rare event! Its so uncomfortable sitting in school in a heavy, non-breathing uniform. Teachers are very fortunate they get to wear Summer whilst were stuck in an all year-round uniform.
Went for a run when I got in from school, the good weather put me in the mood, sadly my fitness levels are whack AGAIN! Not mention running in such heat was so dehydrating, I don't know how my friends Monica and Prawea deal with such heat on a daily all-year basis!
I'm typically pale & would burn like a crisp!

As I turned 18 while in New York, I only got my present from my boyfriend last night, one of my gifts were a vintage edition of 'The Wolf That Never Sleeps' I have read bits and pieces, but it interesting to find out more of the history of how Girlguides came out. (More to come in following blog entries).

Over & Out :)

#1 Introduction

Hi, this is my first blog entry and I hope there is many more to come.
I have decided to start a blog as I feel like my head is so full of interesting thoughts and opinions and I never get enough time with my family, friends or boyfriend to voice them all! After speaking to a friend, who is also a regular blogger, I thought this would be the perfect outlet for me and perhaps also give someone else a good read! I can probably guarantee that there may be some controversial entries but I'm open to comments! :)

Picture of myself most recently in New York at the United Nations for the Commission on the Status of Women representing the World Association of Girlguides and Girl Scouts!