Easter break from school was well and truly appreciated to say the least.
I love hearing about people who are giving up their time to a worthwhile cause, for example, this week I gave a small donation to Kevin who on the 20th August 2012, will be part of a team climbing the fabled Atlas Mountains in Morocco in aid of Childreach International to help keep kids off the street, keeping them fed and watered and giving them an education. I think its truly amazing! View more at: https://mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/kevincheung1
I also applied to be a Youth Participant at the 3rd Women Deliever conference in Malaysia in May 2013. I feel like this would be a fantastic opportunity to learn more and offer my contribution. Its very unlikely I will get chosen but I hope someone from WAGGGS gets a chance :)
My boyfriend and I have recently returned from an overnight stay in Londonderry in the Tower Hotel, the only hotel within Derry's City Wall's! We did the Martin McCrossan City Walls tour which enriched my knowledge (of what was very little) about the City of Derry, which is the 2013 UK City of Culture. We would both highly recommend taking a visit to a city so known for its troubles but more recently being remembered as a city of change! :)
I like to think of myself as someone who is very aware of their surroundings. I take into consideration someones body language, their tone of voice and their general being, then usually be able to tell the emotion that person is feeling. However, today I will have to admit that I mustn't be able to 'read' people as well as I thought. It never really occurred to me that someone can permanently be hidden behind a mask, too afraid and restrained by disability to show their true colours. When I read a blog entry from one of my fellow students I felt like I had been so oblivious to the situation. The blog entry can be read at http://ryanhendry1994.tumblr.com/post/21046473631/my-first-attempt-at-a-blog
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